The Value of an Acting Degree: Preparing for the Modern World

October 8, 2016

Though the art of acting dates to the Ancient Greeks, Acting for Film is a far newer discipline and few schools provide specialized training that prioritizes acting for the camera. Renowned for its subtlety and power, screen acting requires a set of very fine tools that range from relaxation and breath work, to skills in public speaking, prioritizing information, collaborating with a team of artists, developing the body and voice as an instrument for communication, expansion of empathy, and precise text analysis.

Whether you hope to specialize in TV, film, stage or another discipline that requires public performance — from corporate speeches to sales — here are the key benefits you stand to get from attending the New York Film Academy’s acting programs for your acting degree or certificate.

1. The Art of Being You


Actors in the 21st century are more than practitioners, they must represent a unique brand that knows what it has to offer and brings that to the table each and every time.

Identifying and growing the brand that represents your special set of strengths is the key to success in any industry and the personalized attention you receive in our programs for acting degrees or certificates can help you detect and foster techniques to help your public presence shine.

2. Global Networks


NYFA draws artists from over 100 countries around the world representing a powerful diaspora of culture, identity, and experience. With campuses and faculty worldwide, our community is our power — and the relationships that form across cultures and disciplines at NYFA are rated a top experience for the students who attend our programs. Acting degree and certificate program students work closely with classmates and faculty and are given access to reach out to the school at large making our community one of the most prolific available to students interested in the art of screen acting.

3. New Technologies


In a world where technology is advancing at a stunning rate, the landscape for film and television can change on a dime (Netflix at the Emmys!). NYFA explores new technologies and new forms of entertainment to keep pace with a changing market and keep our students up to date on new technologies through partnerships with our Filmmaking, Game Design, and Animation departments, exposing acting degree and certificate students to new markets and new methods.

4. Access to Working Professionals


Faculty at NYFA represent professionals active in their industry and provide students with up to date information regarding changes in casting, audition technique, and new media. With a focus on experiential learning as the hallmark of our curriculum, NYFA provides systematic training that has real world application.  

How have your acting for film studies changed your outlook? How have your on-camera acting skills helped you? Are you proud of your NYFA acting degree or certificate? Let us know in the comments below!