Game Design

5 Classic Video Games That Changed Everything: From Mario to WoW
April 22, 2016 | Industry Trends

5 Classic Video Games That Changed Everything: From Mario to WoW

Compared to the history of film and television, video games are still pretty much in their infancy. One can also argue that games are advancing much faster than either of…

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E3 2016: Predictions for Microsoft
April 22, 2016 | Industry Trends

E3 2016: Predictions for Microsoft

Another year, another opportunity for the biggest names in the industry to show us what they’ve got cooking for us. E3 is more than just about wowing your fanbase with…

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How To Sabotage Your Game’s International Chances
April 22, 2016 | How To's

How To Sabotage Your Game’s International Chances

The game industry is more competitive than ever, enough that finding success in any one country is hugely challenging. Imagine then trying to create a title that is popular in…

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How To Become A Game Artist
April 22, 2016 | How To's

How To Become A Game Artist

Do you fancy yourself creating the virtual worlds where players explore and get lost in? The job of Game Artist is becoming more and more sought after, and it’s no…

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Horror Games And Genre Revival: Why People Want Scary Games
April 1, 2016 | Game Design

Horror Games And Genre Revival: Why People Want Scary Games

We have more games to enjoy than ever before thanks to the indie renaissance that our industry is currently experiencing. This is especially true in the number of and variety…

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How To Write A Compelling Game Story In Three Steps
April 1, 2016 | How To's

How To Write A Compelling Game Story In Three Steps

More people are realizing just how powerful video games are as a storytelling tool. Movies are fine and books are great too, but there’s just something about jumping into an…

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How To Write Dialogue For Games Worth Reading
April 1, 2016 | Game Design

How To Write Dialogue For Games Worth Reading

If there’s one skill everyone thinks they have, it’s creative writing. The programmers coding the game and artists bringing ideas to life have no trouble getting respect, but the art…

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Why E3 Is Still Very Relevant For Gamers And Companies
April 1, 2016 | Game Design

Why E3 Is Still Very Relevant For Gamers And Companies

Like Christmas and birthdays, gamers begin counting down the days until the next E3 the day after the show closes its doors. While there are other great events that take…

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How Today’s Best Game Design Students Graduate Prepared
April 1, 2016 | How To's

How Today’s Best Game Design Students Graduate Prepared

Almost anywhere you look, statistics will show that the number of people who identify themselves as gamers is growing. From small mobile and indie titles to big-budget PC and console…

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