Game Design

These Three Quotes May Change The Way You Look At Game Design
December 24, 2014 | Game Design

These Three Quotes May Change The Way You Look At Game Design

Whether you’re new to game development or a veteran with plenty of years already under your belt, it never hurts to hear what other designers have to say. Of course,…

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The Game Awards 2014: A Step In The Right Direction
December 19, 2014 | Game Design

The Game Awards 2014: A Step In The Right Direction

When the topic of video game award shows comes up, most gamers can’t help but give a dissatisfied sigh. Unfortunately the gaming industry has never had an annual awards ceremony…

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7 Things We Learned in 2014: The Year In Gaming
December 19, 2014 | Game Design

7 Things We Learned in 2014: The Year In Gaming

Another year, another awesome twelve months of gaming! From surprise hits like Broforce to Kickstarter titles like Broken Age, this past year saw yet another growth in indie games. Heck,…

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Video Game Marketing: Promoting Your New Game [Part 2]
December 12, 2014 | Game Design

Video Game Marketing: Promoting Your New Game [Part 2]

So your game is finally ready to launch and you want as many people as possible to know about it. By the time your game releases you should definitely have…

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Video Game Marketing: Promoting Your New Game [Part 1]
December 12, 2014 | Game Design

Video Game Marketing: Promoting Your New Game [Part 1]

Having dreamt of creating your own games ever since you were a kid, you’re brimming with passion and excitement now that it’s finally becoming a reality. Ready to give it…

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5 Essential Websites To Consider When Searching For A Game Design Job
December 5, 2014 | Game Design

5 Essential Websites To Consider When Searching For A Game Design Job

So you’ve finally graduated from college with that coveted piece of paper you’ve worked so hard to obtain. Whether you went through a game design program or earned a degree in…

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Sonic The Hedgehog: The Fast Rise And Fall Of Sega’s Mascot
December 5, 2014 | Game Design

Sonic The Hedgehog: The Fast Rise And Fall Of Sega’s Mascot

Few gaming mascots have seen the drastic transition that Sonic the Hedgehog has suffered in the past two decades. At one time he was the influential face of a Sega…

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How To Form A Solid Indie Game Development Team
November 25, 2014 | Game Design

How To Form A Solid Indie Game Development Team

It’s amazing just how far the gaming industry has come in terms of who can actually make a living creating games. For the longest time, the idea of forming a…

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Why Ubisoft Doesn't Want To Be The New EA
November 25, 2014 | Game Design

Why Ubisoft Doesn't Want To Be The New EA

You’d think that being compared to one of the more successful game companies would be a good thing. Not only has EA remained afloat in one of the most competitive…

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