Game Design

Five Tips For Getting Your Game Greenlit On Steam
May 27, 2015 | Game Design

Five Tips For Getting Your Game Greenlit On Steam

Although it has only been around since 2012, the Steam Greenlight process has changed a lot since its launch just a few years ago. In its early stages, developers saw the…

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Yooka-Laylee: The Long Awaited Rare-vival
May 13, 2015 | Game Design

Yooka-Laylee: The Long Awaited Rare-vival

Any gamer who held a controller in their hands during the last half of the 90s knows how big 3D platformers were. From Super Mario 64 and Spyro the Dragon…

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Why Every Team Should Have A Game Design Document (GDD)
May 7, 2015 | Game Design

Why Every Team Should Have A Game Design Document (GDD)

There are indie game teams out there who think creating a design document would be a waste of their precious and limited time. This idea comes from the assumption that…

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Do Gamers Care Less About Exclusives?
May 7, 2015 | Game Design

Do Gamers Care Less About Exclusives?

If you grew up playing video games in the 90s, chances are you wanted a specific game console for one reason: it had one or two games that the other…

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How To Keep Players From Abandoning Your Freemium Game
May 1, 2015 | Game Design

How To Keep Players From Abandoning Your Freemium Game

Whether you’re developing a free-to-play game, or one that will launch with a price tag, the end-goal as professional game designers should always be to create a fun and enjoyable…

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Valve’s Short-Lived Paid Mods Experiment
May 1, 2015 | Game Design

Valve’s Short-Lived Paid Mods Experiment

Just like excellent reviews and high sales numbers, a good modding community is something every game creator dreams of having. In fact, many developers openly promote modding for their game,…

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Why We Like Hard Games Again
April 22, 2015 | Game Design

Why We Like Hard Games Again

Easily one of the best things about the gaming industry is that it’s constantly changing. Who knew music video games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero would have such a…

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Game Trends: Zombies Out, But Survival Horror More Popular than FPS
April 16, 2015 | Game Design

Game Trends: Zombies Out, But Survival Horror More Popular than FPS

Zombies. Zombies, zombies, zombies. For the past decade, the undead blighters have been rising from their graves and spreading their viral appeal through pretty much every medium and genre they…

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Three More Quotes That May Change The Way You Look At Game Design
April 16, 2015 | Game Design

Three More Quotes That May Change The Way You Look At Game Design

A few months back we showed you three quotes spoken by some of the most influential game designers of all time. From standing up for creativity and finding innovative solutions,…

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