Game Design

Why Xbox’s Gamescom 2015 Conference Felt Like E3 Part 2
August 14, 2015 | Game Design

Why Xbox’s Gamescom 2015 Conference Felt Like E3 Part 2

If there’s one annual trade show that has every gamer counting down the days until it starts, it’s the Electronic Entertainment Expo. Here is where we are bombarded by an…

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How To Be A Loved And Respected Game Company President (Like Satoru Iwata)
August 4, 2015 | Game Design

How To Be A Loved And Respected Game Company President (Like Satoru Iwata)

For most developers, the thought of being the president of a video game company never really crosses our minds. Instead we’re thinking about how we’ll make the next Mario, Minecraft,…

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The CEO With The Heart Of A Gamer: Remembering Satoru Iwata
August 4, 2015 | Game Design

The CEO With The Heart Of A Gamer: Remembering Satoru Iwata

Perhaps by the time you’re reading this it has finally started to sink in that Satoru Iwata, one of the most beloved figures in the gaming industry, has passed. It…

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Bethesda Tests A New Market With Their Highly Successful Fallout Shelter
July 28, 2015 | Game Design

Bethesda Tests A New Market With Their Highly Successful Fallout Shelter

Over the past few years we’ve seen many big name developers and publishers enter the mobile game market. From Sega and Blizzard Entertainment, to Epic Games and Konami, there are quite…

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Five Things Your Free-To-Play Game Should Have (And You Should Track)
July 28, 2015 | Game Design

Five Things Your Free-To-Play Game Should Have (And You Should Track)

When creating a free-to-play (F2P) game, most developers focus on tracking the obvious: number of downloads, installs, and in-app purchases. While there’s nothing wrong with keeping an eye on these…

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E3 2015 Recap: Why It Was One Of The Best
July 28, 2015 | Game Design

E3 2015 Recap: Why It Was One Of The Best

E3, for a lot of us, is comparable to Christmas; an entire week when our favorite websites and social media pages serve as a floodgate through which we receive exciting…

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The Comeback Of Toys In The Gaming Industry
July 1, 2015 | Game Design

The Comeback Of Toys In The Gaming Industry

When one looks at the relationships between video games and other forms of entertainment, few are as fascinating as that of games and toys. Today it is easy to see…

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Learning From The Best: RPGs
July 1, 2015 | Game Design

Learning From The Best: RPGs

One of the most beloved genres in gaming continues to be the role-playing game (RPG). It’s in these games that we often truly feel like we are in the shoes…

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Learning From The Best: Fighting Games
June 24, 2015 | Game Design

Learning From The Best: Fighting Games

Last on our “Learning From The Best” series is a genre that only recently began making a comeback after a few years of seeing little attention. For many of us,…

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