Game Design

Sony’s Turn To Excite Their Fans
September 22, 2015 | Game Design

Sony’s Turn To Excite Their Fans

It was a little more than a month ago that Microsoft impressed us with some unexpected announcements at Gamescom 2015. While the best reveals were already given at E3, it…

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Three Optional Ways To Make Sure Skilled Players Have Fun Too
September 11, 2015 | Game Design

Three Optional Ways To Make Sure Skilled Players Have Fun Too

One of the hardest things for a developer to balance out in their own game is difficulty. This is because developers are almost generally pretty good at actually playing games….

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Five Tips For Planning Stretch Goals
September 9, 2015 | Game Design

Five Tips For Planning Stretch Goals

While there are plenty of opinions floating around when it comes to crowdfunding, one thing’s for certain: plenty of great games have seen the light of day thanks to it….

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A Look At The Only 12 Steam Games That Sold More Than 500k
September 9, 2015 | Game Design

A Look At The Only 12 Steam Games That Sold More Than 500k

As a game developer, it never hurts to look at what titles are selling like hotcakes, especially on a platform you’re considering releasing your own project on. Over the years…

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5 Things Experienced Game Designers Wish They Knew From The Start
August 31, 2015 | Game Design

5 Things Experienced Game Designers Wish They Knew From The Start

Any game designer who has been in the industry long enough can relate to the old saying: “if I knew then what I know now…” Like any occupation that demands…

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The Decline Of Couch Co-Op
August 27, 2015 | Game Design

The Decline Of Couch Co-Op

From bigger worlds and realistic graphics, to downloadable content and 1 Gigabyte games that can fit on your phone, there are plenty of obvious differences between games today and games…

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Three Free And Reliable Online Resources For Game Designers
August 27, 2015 | Game Design

Three Free And Reliable Online Resources For Game Designers

When one thinks about the App Store or Wii gaming library, some pretty amazing games come to mind. From Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, to Hearthstone and…

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Five Games Of 2015 We Thought Would Be Good, But Are Actually Great
August 26, 2015 | Game Design

Five Games Of 2015 We Thought Would Be Good, But Are Actually Great

When you look back at any of the “Most Anticipated Games of 2015” lists written up last year, you’ll usually find the same games repeating (such as Batman: Arkham City). These hyped games were certainly worth…

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Five Tips For Exhibiting Your Game At Events
August 14, 2015 | Game Design

Five Tips For Exhibiting Your Game At Events

The thought of showing off your game in a crowded setting, and actually interacting with people looking to catch a glimpse of your project, can be both exciting and intimidating….

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