Industry Trends

TV Shows and Movies Based on Games
March 16, 2024 | Media Arts

10 TV Shows and Movies Based on Games

By allowing players to personalize, interact, and influence stories, video games immerse audiences in captivating worlds. As a result, it’s no surprise that Hollywood frequently finds inspiration in popular games. One…

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How to Get Voiceover Work
February 26, 2024 | Acting

How to Get Voiceover Work

With the advent of smartphones and apps, audio media have become an increasingly popular medium.  Audible, for instance, has evolved into the literary equivalent of Netflix and Hulu. As a…

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types of video games live service
February 10, 2023 | Industry Trends

The 5 Types Of Video Games Every Designer Should Know

In 1972, the world changed forever. That was the year Pong was introduced. Despite its simplistic graphics and gameplay, the tennis-themed game, produced by Atari, would go on to become…

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Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl: Repackaged And Resold or Satisfying Update To The Originals?
November 24, 2021 | Industry Trends

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl: Repackaged And Resold or Satisfying Update To The Originals?

The Pokémon franchise finds itself in an interesting place (at least as far as this writer is concerned). As someone who has played a couple of the Gameboy and Nintendo…

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Netflix’s Big Splash In Gaming
November 24, 2021 | Film

Netflix’s Big Splash In Gaming

In the world of both streaming and gaming, the streaming wars look like they’re getting taken to the next level.  This month, Netflix launched a few gaming titles for Android…

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Far Cry 6: Why Character Enrichment Is Worth It 
October 1, 2021 | Industry Trends

Far Cry 6: Why Character Enrichment Is Worth It 

Far Cry is one of those games where you don’t need to necessarily focus on the story in order to enjoy it. In a sense it’s like Grand Theft Auto,…

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Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut and What’s Keeping The Hit Playstation Game Fresh
September 3, 2021 | Industry Trends

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut and What’s Keeping The Hit Playstation Game Fresh

For a couple of months now, Ghost of Tsushima has been all the rage on the Playstation side of console gaming. In a blogpost direct from Playstation’s website, it was…

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Will the Force be with Lucasfilm Games?
January 14, 2021 | Industry Trends

Will the Force be with Lucasfilm Games? recently announced that they would be starting up Lucasfilm Games, the new brand-heading for all video games Star Wars-related. The 1-11-21 press release says that Lucasfilm Games would be…

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10 Board Games to Play Using Video Conferencing
March 20, 2020 | Industry Trends

10 Board Games to Play Using Video Conferencing

Current events continue to keep most of the population indoors for extended periods of time, affecting everything from studying to working to, yes, even gaming. Social distancing is keeping people…

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