
History Smackdown: The Evolution of Film Criticism
May 14, 2014 | Film

History Smackdown: The Evolution of Film Criticism

Criticism is an ancient and revered art form. Pretty much since stories were first written, other people were writing down their opinions about those stories. This criticism has always helped…

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How To Create A Green Screen On A Budget
May 14, 2014 | Film

How To Create A Green Screen On A Budget

When you’re an amateur filmmaker or just starting out as a film student, budget often guides your decisions. For instance, unless you have substantial financial backing, flying across the world…

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Golden Egg Film Festival
January 31, 2014 | Film

Golden Egg Film Festival

As you may know, the New York Film Academy embraces the international community and so it’s no wonder we came across this rather unique film festival, the Golden Egg Film…

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