
Best Film Locations In NYC
May 30, 2014 | Film

Best Film Locations In NYC

For many film fans and aspiring filmmakers, their first exposure to the varied and historic streets and sights of New York City is on screen in the many movies and…

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The Lifeblood of Broadcast Journalism (Hint: It’s Not Technology)
May 28, 2014 | Film

The Lifeblood of Broadcast Journalism (Hint: It’s Not Technology)

Author: Bill Einreinhofer, Chair, Broadcast Journalism Department, New York Film Academy At first glance, talking about Broadcast Journalism means discussing technology. Microprocessor-based HD cameras produce stunning images. Nonlinear editing software…

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Q&A With Andrea Swift, Chair, Documentary Filmmaking, New York Film Academy
May 28, 2014 | How To's

Q&A With Andrea Swift, Chair, Documentary Filmmaking, New York Film Academy

Q: What is the first lesson to learn in becoming a successful documentary filmmaker? AS: Story. Story. Story. Tell a good story well—and cinematically—and the film world is your oyster….

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How Can I Own My Producing Project?
May 28, 2014 | Film

How Can I Own My Producing Project?

Author: Neal Weisman, Co-Chair, Producing Department, New York Film Academy It is a core principle that producers must own their projects. In order to move successfully through the producing process,…

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How To Calibrate The Physical Expression Of A Song
May 28, 2014 | How To's

How To Calibrate The Physical Expression Of A Song

Author: Mark Olsen, Chair, Musical Theatre Department, New York Film Academy To sing a song in the musical theatre is to move beyond the simple presentation of the tonal elements…

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Q&A With Mark Olsen, Chair, Musical Theatre Dept., New York Film Academy
May 28, 2014 | Film

Q&A With Mark Olsen, Chair, Musical Theatre Dept., New York Film Academy

Q: How do I know if I can succeed as a professional Musical Theatre performer? MO: As anyone will tell you, there are simply no formulas or guarantees in the…

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What Is The Best Clay To Use For Clay Animation?
May 28, 2014 | Film

What Is The Best Clay To Use For Clay Animation?

Author: Mark Sawicki, Co-Chair, Animation Department, New York Film Academy Los Angeles One way to jump into animation quickly without great expenditure is to use stop motion technique to animate clay…

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Making Images That Endure The Test Of Time
May 28, 2014 | Film

Making Images That Endure The Test Of Time

Author: Brian Dilg, Chair, Photography Department, New York Film Academy How can we make great images, photos that will still be looked at generations after they were made? A search…

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Back To Black (& White): Monochrome Digital Cameras
May 28, 2014 | Film

Back To Black (& White): Monochrome Digital Cameras

Author: Salvatore Interlandi, Interim Chair, Cinematography Department, New York Film Academy When we look at the latest digital cinema cameras, there are many design goals that cinematographers have come to…

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