Student & Alumni Spotlights

New York Film Academy Photography Student Tanne Willow Lights Up Profoto
December 15, 2017

New York Film Academy Photography Student Tanne Willow Lights Up Profoto

While most students only fantasize about having their artwork promoted by a major industry player while still in school, New York Film Academy (NYFA) 2-Year Photography Conservatory student Tanne Willow…

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Next Generation of Indywood’s Storytellers Train at New York Film Academy
December 12, 2017

Next Generation of Indywood’s Storytellers Train at New York Film Academy

The New York Film Academy has attracted many aspiring artists with its intensive, hands-on approach to teaching the skills of filmmaking and the performing arts. It’s also caught of the…

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New York Film Academy Fulbright Student’s “Soul” at Berlinale, iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play
December 9, 2017

New York Film Academy Fulbright Student’s “Soul” at Berlinale, iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play

New York Film Academy (NYFA) Documentary Filmmaking Conservatory student and Spanish Fulbright scholar Pedro Peira produced the film “Soul,” completing its post-production while he studied at NYFA Los Angeles and seeing the project through…

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New York Film Academy Student Veteran Awarded for Community Engagement
December 8, 2017

New York Film Academy Student Veteran Awarded for Community Engagement

The New York Film Academy (NYFA) was delighted to pass along some holiday cheer in the form of the T.  Douglas MacPherson Scholarship, which was graciously gifted from the New…

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Spotlight On: New York Film Academy Los Angeles Environmental Club
December 7, 2017

Spotlight On: New York Film Academy Los Angeles Environmental Club

This academic year, a new club has joined the ranks at the Los Angeles campus of the New York Film Academy (NYFA) Los Angeles. The Environmental Club has already undertaken…

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Demo Reels Demystified with New York Film Academy Broadcast Journalism Chair Bill Einreinhofer
December 7, 2017

Demo Reels Demystified with New York Film Academy Broadcast Journalism Chair Bill Einreinhofer

As much fun as it can be to watch contestants struggle on “American Idol” or “The Voice,” we never want to experience that kind of rejection in our own real-life…

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New York Film Academy Broadcast Journalism School Weekly Update Dec. 4
December 4, 2017

New York Film Academy Broadcast Journalism School Weekly Update Dec. 4

This week we are going to take a look at what some NYFA Broadcast Journalism graduates are doing… George Colli at News8 in Connecticut reported a truly frightening story last week about the…

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New York Film Academy Acting Alumni Dr. Ariel Orama López Stars in Award-Winning “Cielos Negros”
November 30, 2017

New York Film Academy Acting Alumni Dr. Ariel Orama López Stars in Award-Winning “Cielos Negros”

NYFA Acting for Film Dr. Ariel Orama López (AG Orloz) is already both an actor and a psychologist, but he added cover model to his impressive list of job titles…

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NYFA Broadcast Journalism Program Updates Nov. 27
November 27, 2017

NYFA Broadcast Journalism Program Updates Nov. 27

Last Thursday, here in the United States, we celebrated Thanksgiving. If you aren’t familiar with this public holiday, at its core it is about “giving thanks” for what we have….

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