Open Mic Slam at New York Film Academy Café

August 25, 2015

open mic

Starting this Wednesday, August 26th, 2015 at the New York Film Academy Café on the corner of Lexington Ave. and 24th street in New York City, students, alumni and New York City performers are invited to showcase their talents at our first ever OPEN MIC SLAM!

Performances are open to live music, poetry or stand-up comedy!

Sign up starts at 7pm. Performances start at 8pm.

The first 25 people to sign up are allowed up to 4 minutes on stage to perform.

There is then a 5 slot waiting list for any extra time at the end of the show. Artists must bring their own music and props for their performances.

If you’re ready to showcase your talent, we’ll see you there!

If you have any questions, please email Calaine Schafer at