The absolute winner of GLAVPITCHING is Alexander Yaropolsky, 16 year-old Journalism student of Moscow State University. He pitched a script of the feature thriller “Virus” about three teenagers who shoot violent viral videos for YouTube, and even though their videos have the fantastic popularity and thousands of hits, they inevitably lose something much more important – humanity.
Alexander won the main award of the contest: the certificate for the services of the Glavkino in equivalent of 1,000,000 Rubles, Special prize from ROSKINO: Trip to the Cannes Film Festival and participation in the training program Producers Workshop and Bondarchuk’s Grant from NYFA for a 2-week Screenwriting Workshop in Moscow in Spring 2014.
Next GLAVPITCHING contest will take place in the Autumn 2014.
If you’re interested in enrolling at New York Film Academy in Moscow, Russia, click HERE for more information.