NYFA Acting Alum Lana Condor is no stranger to rom-coms with the To All The Boys I’ve Loved trilogy sitting comfortably under her belt. Since graduating from Acting for Film at NYFA’s camps, Condor has been seen in films like X-Men: Apocalypse, the TV series Deadly Class, the coming-of-age film Summer Night and Mark Wahlberg’s thriller Patriots Day, co-starring alongside fellow NYFA alum Themo Melikidze.
Lana Condor was more than prepared to head to Mars with Cole Sprouse in Moonshot for HBOmax. Sophie (Condor) hatches a plan to move to mars to mend a long-distance relationship with her boyfriend who lives on the red planet; Walt (Sprouse) has always dreamed of going to Mars and decides to tag along – without authorization. Sophie is then tasked not only with mending her relationship but also with ensuring that Walt makes it to Mars without getting caught.
Lana shared with Black Girl Nerds that what was most attractive about Sophie was, “she’s quite type A … sophie is also quite strong, stubborn in a good way … once she set her mind to it she was like i’m going to get over my phobia and I’m just going to do it … like my mom always says when I get overwhelmed with things – with life, she says ‘bird by bird … just do what you have to do in the moment and don’t think about anything else’ … [Mars] was not part of the plan but now that it is I am going to perform to the best of my abilities.’
Cole said that Walt, the relentless dreamer, “is helping Sophie be a little more present and Sophie is helping him be a little less present.”
The two are said to have gotten along greatly on the set of Moonshot.
When asked for advice for dreamers like Walt who are type A like Sophie and have a hard time dealing with the instability that comes with being in the entertainment industry Lana replied, “… if you want it so bad and you love it – whatever that goal is, if you work really hard and … honestly drown out the noise and just focus on the goal, I’m a believer that everything is possible.”
The New York Film Academy couldn’t be more proud to see Lana Condor shooting for the stars!
NYFA congratulates Lana Condor on all of her success!
Please note: NYFA does not represent that these are typical or guaranteed career outcomes. The success of our graduates in any chosen professional pathway depends on multiple factors, and the achievements of NYFA alumni are the result of their hard work, perseverance, talent and circumstances.