Given his passion for film and television production, Cody Broadway sought out the New York Film Academy in 2009 to decide what specifically he wanted to do in the field. “NYFA helped me with the skills and knowledge I needed to have in the real world.”
After film school, Cody set his search for a career in either film or television. After coming across a position in FOX, Cody sent in his NYFA work for consideration. “They were very impressed with my work and brought me on at first as a host and producer of a show called FOX Live,” said Cody. “After about a month, they had an opening for a Promotions and Production Manager. They offered me the position and I took it.”
Cody is currently the Promotions and Production Director for KIDY FOX San Angelo, as well as KXVA FOX Abilene. In the position, Cody oversees the production and promotions for FOX in both Texas markets. He has also helped create and host a show called FOX Live, which airs every Saturday in both markets. “Overall, I have been with FOX for 2 years now and believe that without the academy none of this would be possible.”
Cody’s week consists of shooting and hosting the show, weekly production meetings, and working on promotional projects. For example, he is currently working on a local American Idol contest. Cody hopes to continue working at FOX with a major role in the company.