Community Highlights

NYFA Filmmaking Alumnus Ruchir Garg’s “It’s Gawd” Screens in New York and Amazon
August 9, 2017

NYFA Filmmaking Alumnus Ruchir Garg’s “It’s Gawd” Screens in New York and Amazon

New York Film Academy filmmaking alumnus Ruchir Garg was an executive producer on independent comedy “It’s Gawd!” starring Tommy Chong, Luke Perry and Rebecca Maden. The film has been released…

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NYFA Gold Coast Hosts Q&A With Filmmaking Alumnus RK Musgrave
August 8, 2017

NYFA Gold Coast Hosts Q&A With Filmmaking Alumnus RK Musgrave

Recently, New York Film Academy Australia filmmaking alumnus RK Musgrave returned to give a Q&A at the Gold Coast campus as a part of the Guest Speaker Series. RK graduated…

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NYFA South Beach Attends Supercon in Fort Lauderdale
August 8, 2017

NYFA South Beach Attends Supercon in Fort Lauderdale

The Broward Convention Center played host for the 2017 edition of Supercon. Located in beautiful Fort Lauderdale, it was the ideal midpoint for people from the tri-county area. New York Film…

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NYFA Broadcast Journalism School Updates August 7
August 7, 2017

NYFA Broadcast Journalism School Updates August 7

So, who is a journalist? In some countries, you need to take a test and get a government license. Here in the United States, all you have to do is…

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NYFA Los Angeles Hosts Photography Industry Workshop With Capture One
August 7, 2017

NYFA Los Angeles Hosts Photography Industry Workshop With Capture One

The New York Film Academy’s Los Angeles hosted a special industry workshop in partnership with Phase One. Manager of Educational Services Scott Niedermaier brought the Capture One software to the…

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NYFA Los Angeles Hosts Special Photography Industry Guest Lecture Series
August 7, 2017

NYFA Los Angeles Hosts Special Photography Industry Guest Lecture Series

Over the next three months, the Photography Department at the Los Angeles campus of the New York Film Academy will be hosting a guest lecture series that will welcome some…

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NYFA Veteran BFA Film and MFA Screenwriting Alumnus Joins We Are The Mighty
August 3, 2017

NYFA Veteran BFA Film and MFA Screenwriting Alumnus Joins We Are The Mighty

NYFA Veteran alumnus Tim Kirkpatrick is on the road to success, joining the team at We Are The Mighty (WATM) after completing both is BFA in Filmmaking and MFA in…

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Broadcast Journalism Updates for August 2
August 3, 2017

Broadcast Journalism Updates for August 2

Recently I wrote about how NBC News has developed a daily news program for distribution exclusively via Snapchat Discover. And while I can’t tell you how big an audience the…

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NYFA Graphic Design Students Visit Studios of Designers Milton Glaser and Mirko Ilic
August 3, 2017

NYFA Graphic Design Students Visit Studios of Designers Milton Glaser and Mirko Ilic

This month, New York Film Academy graphic design students visited the studios of Milton Glaser and Mirko Ilic. This exciting opportunity was made possible by NYFA faculty Jee-eo​​n Lee, who worked…

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